Farid Shafiyev: Armenia is not threat to Azerbaijan


Armenia is not a threat to Azerbaijan, Farid Shafiyev, Chairman of the Center of Analysis of International Relations, said at the international panel on "New Era in Global Systems, Power Wars, and the South Caucasus," Report informs.


According to him, some groups in the West are trying to hinder the normalization of relations: "In the West, they accuse us for no reason. They are arming Armenia, etc. Armenian legislation has territorial claims against Azerbaijan and Türkiye. In such a case, first of all, the issue of the Constitution should be resolved. We do not isolate ourselves from the West. But there is a problem in their approach towards us. Today, Azerbaijan continues to cooperate with the West. But there are clear facts that show the biased attitude of the European Union towards Türkiye and Azerbaijan."


Shafiyev also emphasized that the Turkic states and the Azerbaijan-Türkiye duo is a geopolitical choice.
