Azerbaijani Ombudsman urges international community to address Armenia's provocations


Azerbaijan`s Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva has commented on the regular armed provocations committed by Armenia.


"The Armenian leadership, which had kept Azerbaijani territories under occupation for nearly 30 years, displaced more than one million of compatriots from their homelands, caused nearly 4 thousand Azerbaijani people to go missing, committed mine terrorism in Azerbaijan's territories, by conducting a policy of ethnic hatred and cleansing and disregarding the norms and principles of international law, still perseveres in its insidious policy.


On February 12, the Armenian armed forces once again violated the ceasefire by opening fire at the positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the Kokhanabi settlement of Tovuz district, as well as at positions of the Border Guards of the State Border Service in the Kollugishlaq village of Zangilan district. This resulted in the injury of a military serviceman of the State Border Service.


Amidst new opportunities for peace-building in the region, the Armenian leadership must stop such provocative acts that only serve to escalate tensions. Instead, they should take genuine steps towards establishing peace. International organizations must not overlook the war crimes committed by Armenia and should unequivocally call on them to cease armed provocations, which not only jeopardize peace talks but also endanger the lives and well-being of military personnel,” the Ombudsman emphasized.
