It is necessary to change the Armenian constitution


Pasha Amircanov
[email protected]

It seems that any proposal voiced by Azerbaijan in Armenia creates a bomb effect at that moment. Recently, our political scientists and politicians have come up with such an idea that since Armenia's constitution has territorial claims against Azerbaijan and Turkey, Iravan should touch the mother law and not make changes. This idea shook the Armenian society. The speaker of the country's parliament, Alen Simonyan, had to comment on the issue.

The Chairman of the National Assembly of Armenia also stated that it is necessary to change the constitution. Yesterday, he said at a joint press conference with the Chairman of the Czech Chamber of Deputies Marketa Pekarova Adamova: "We need to understand where Armenia is going, what goals it is pursuing and why it exists. Is it because we restored the great and small historical Armenia, or does it belong to September 21, when we gained independence, or does it belong to the citizens of Hayastan, who should live safely and prosperously?"

As usual, double-headed, confused and, finally, somewhat Armenian-speaking, Simonyan added that some issues are not clearly reflected in the legislation of the Republic of Armenia: "Armenia cannot be an amorphous thing, no one can argue with us on this issue. A citizen of the Republic of Armenia should know where his homeland begins and where it ends... Yes, the mountains of Armenia are my homeland, my cradle, but I have a state called the Republic of Armenia. There is Armenia, which became independent with concrete borders in 1991, and we are all citizens, and this should be clearly reflected in all documents."

After all these stories, a specific question is addressed to the chairman of the Armenian parliament: "Is the change of the constitution a demand of Azerbaijan, or is it related to negotiations?" Simonyan answered: "I call you and want to emphasize that in the future, when you ask Armenian officials a similar question, know that it will be the same question. There are provisions that should be reflected in the Constitution and legal acts of Azerbaijan."

Actually, this is not a new issue. On December 1, 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR adopted a decision "On the unification of the Armenian SSR and Nagorno-Karabakh". This decision, which has an invasive nature, remains in the current Armenian constitution.

In such circumstances, the announcement of the Armenian authorities recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan can be considered officially anti-constitutional in this country. Territorial claims against Turkey are also reflected in the constitution of this country. After the current Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan officially announced that he recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the idea that the Armenian constitution, legislation and all other documents should be changed has come up again in Armenia. The republic after 1991 is already bankrupt. Therefore, the fourth republic should be created.

Prime Minister N. Pashinyan also spoke about changing the coat of arms and anthem of his country in one of his speeches in the parliament: "Our coat of arms strongly reflects our psychology. What is shown there? Noah's ark and symbols of the four kingdoms of Armenia on Mount Ararat. What does this image, which is sacred to all of us, have to do with the state established in 1991? Looking towards the center, you can see Noah's ark and the flooded territory of the current Republic of Armenia on Mount Agri. It is also possible to see a lion there, which has not lived in the natural conditions of Armenia for a long time. This problem we are discussing is, in fact, in the dualism that exists in each of us - between historical Armenia and real Armenia. Regardless of how emotional and with what arguments it is justified, the question arises: should real Armenia serve historical Armenia, or should historical Armenia serve real Armenia? In our opinion, there is no need to comment.

Recently, the Azerbaijani public, especially our political commentators, support the idea of ​​changing the Armenian legislation. They say that if Armenia really wants to establish normal relations with its neighbors, the articles related to territorial claims should be removed from their legislation. Because on the one hand, Pashinyan should sign the peace agreement, and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Karabakh, will be reflected here. On the other hand, there are demands for the soon signing of the peace agreement. Therefore, the constitution should be changed in order to avoid legal problems.

After the historical victories of Azerbaijan in recent years and the complete restoration of its territorial integrity, the phrase "Armenia is the guarantor of Nagorno-Karabakh" cannot be retained in the constitution of this country. At the same time, Armenia should withdraw some of its claims after a series of embarrassing defeats in recent years. The President of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev said about this in one of his speeches: "After that, a proper analysis of the real situation in Armenian society should be done. They should give up mythology. They should give up the dream of a great Armenia. They should give up the dream of a mythical Armenia from sea to sea. Against Azerbaijan and Turkey they must and will give up their territorial claims. There is no other way."

So, the time has come. It is necessary to change the Armenian constitution.


