USA is great before the test


The fight against white house is on all fronts

The US is preparing for presidential elections. The result of the primaries is almost known: the Democratic candidate will be Joe Biden, and the Republican candidate will be Donald Trump. Therefore, Americans are preparing for a repeat of the Trump-Biden conflict. But there are predictions that this conflict will lead to more serious consequences. In particular, the creation of artificial obstacles aimed at preventing Donald Trump's participation in the elections raises doubts that the country will be divided into two fronts and the conflict will deepen after the elections. The recent processes taking place on the Mexico-US border favor the growth of the political crisis in the country, more precisely, the strengthening of centripetal tendencies.

Will this year's elections be an unprecedented test for America" ​​​​Trump's disqualification as a presidential candidate
is there a possibility" can the presidential elections lead to large-scale protests" This
Today, these questions are on the political agenda of the United States
contane. Of course, the general political picture
it is clear, the names of the candidates who will fight from both fronts are also known. Idol
elections are still ten months away, so
It is difficult to give specific answers to these questions. However, the 60th president in US history will be held in November
elections will be unprecedented elections
is accurate. Because never before
of one of the country's two major parties
leading candidate for his candidacy
was not threatened with a ban.
Never before leading to the presidency
the candidate is the target of multiple criminal prosecutions
it didn't happen. Never before has such a candidate conducted an election campaign
at the same time, in two trials
observed to be potentially responsible
was not done.

All these listed give reason to think that this year the United States, figuratively
so to speak, he is sitting on the "gunpowder keg". If former President Trump
if he is not admitted to the elections at the last moment or
Some suspicious results were recorded in the elections
if it is taken, there will be a conflict in the country
Many experts find it difficult to make a specific prediction
reveals. But there may be possible scenarios in the matter of conflict
they do not exclude. Such a claim is made
that if the litigation results in Trump being completely removed from the election, it could cause a fire.
According to lawyers, this is the case
if it happens, to US democracy, the electoral system and the country's legal system
great damage will be done. This is very risky
is assumed to create a situation.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump not so much among the US population as a whole
they are not popular, but they are supported by 80 percent of party members. That's why
both politicians for the 2024 elections
they appear to be clear favorites in the primaries.

But recent processes show that D. Trump's chances are increasing and this situation
can't help but worry the democrats.
Some commentators think that the Democrats
D. In order for Trump not to be re-elected
litigation should be used. However, these conflicts also carry risks. Because after every lawsuit, D.Trump
rating increases even more. The prosecution of D. Trump through the courts gives Americans the impression that the ex
to allow the election of the president
they don't want Even in the United States, where state-citizen relations are always complicated
Any government pressure backlash
gives rise to D. Trump's electorate base
creates conditions for expansion. All this
Considering the factors analysts likely
do that the upcoming elections in the US political
will be a serious test for the system.

It's not just the people of the United States who are concerned
not the election results. Americans are also seriously concerned about the growing tension between the federal government and the states.
Currently, the state of Texas is on the Mexican border
reinforces the barbed wire it has installed.
It should be noted that the migrants are the Rio Grande River, which forms the border between the two countries
through which they illegally enter Texas. It's Texas for them
"Eagle Pass" was drawn at the border gate
barbed wire is not difficult to overcome. Therefore, the governor of Texas
Greg Abbott thinks Joe Biden
administration with border security
does not take sufficient measures. To this
According to the governor, illegal immigrants preferred to move to the United States
Construction of approximately 4 kilometers of barbed wire along the border in the Eagle Pass region
has given instructions.
After that, the Biden administration declared that border security is the responsibility of the federal government to dismantle the barbed wire
He appealed to the US Supreme Court.
Supreme Court in Rio on the Mexican border
Barbed wire along the Grande River
that the governor of Texas will not comply with this decision even if he decides to withdraw

After that, the Biden government
The dispute with Court
despite the decision, the Texas National Guard has not allowed the US border patrol to do its job since January 23
and continues to draw barbed wire.
So is Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
challenges the federal government by installing barbed wire along the border:
"We believe that we are right according to the constitution. We have the right to protect our citizens, to protect this country
we have the right and we are just doing our own thing
we see". The governor of Louisiana, Landry, issued an official statement, and Texas
expressed his support for their actions.
Texas from Democrats Joe Biden
Demand to take control of the National Guard and remove it from the border
they do. But the White House is in no hurry to take drastic measures, because the central government
Texas isn't the only state to oppose it. 25 more
the state supports Texas. For example, the South
Dakota Governor Christie Noem to Texas
announced that he is ready to give wires. It should be noted here that the challenge to the central government
Reading states are all Republican
is under its influence, and this indicates how intense the upcoming elections will be.


Sabuhi Mammadov

