Armenians of France are in trouble


The appointment of Rashida Dati as the Minister of Culture has faded the mood

The appointment of Rashida Dati, the first Muslim woman in the French government, who served as the Minister of Justice in 2007-2009, as the Minister of Culture of the country on January 11 caused the anger of the Armenians of the world. Jean-Christophe Busson, deputy director of the country's "Le Figaro" newspaper, while commenting on the appointment of R. Dati as the Minister of Culture of France, mentioned his anti-Armenian position. He said that French Armenians are sad today.

Busson added a photo from 2016 in which the former President of France Francois Hollande and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev are depicted in his social network. The photo was taken after 10 French MPs and senators called on President Hollande to mediate at the UN in order to make a decision in favor of Azerbaijan in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In 2016, Rashida Dati said in a conversation with an employee of "Le Figaro" that good Azerbaijanis were victims of bad Armenians.

It should be noted that R. Dati, born in 1965, of Moroccan descent, is one of the few politicians in France who has a positive attitude towards Azerbaijan, and who caused dissatisfaction among Armenians after being appointed as a minister. R. Dati has repeatedly stated that he is proud to be a close friend of our country. Murad Papazyan, the chairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France, Ara Toranyan, the editor-in-chief of "Nouvelles d'Armenie" magazine, and Patrick Karam, a member of the Ile-de-France city council, expressed their concern about this.

In July last year, Rashida Dati said that Azerbaijan can be an example for the whole world in terms of relations between religious and ethnic groups.

"I would like to highlight the role of Azerbaijan, which has made a great contribution to intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue. UNESCO stated that the level of education in this country is 95 percent. This is also an excellent indicator. Azerbaijan's development leaves a great impression," he added. R. Dati stated that relations between religious and ethnic institutions of Azerbaijan can be an example for the whole world in terms of their peaceful coexistence for centuries.

R. Dati noted that he comes to Baku every year and every time he comes he discovers new Azerbaijan and gets acquainted with beautiful traditions: "Azerbaijan is really a country with a rich culture. I say this not as a politician, but as a person who loves this country with all his heart. The people of Azerbaijan have preserved these values ​​for centuries, are proud of their culture, and the state policy is aimed at placing culture as a subject of national pride.

R. Dati is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Friends of Azerbaijan. He knows the situation in our country and the region well. He has always been chosen for his fair position towards Azerbaijan, so he has often become the target of criticism and provocation by the Armenian lobby.

Armenia's "Armenian report" website expressed concern about R. Dati's appointment as a minister with the article "France is making a mistake: Paris must correct it". The article noted that Armenians are grateful to France for many favors, but the leadership of this European country sometimes does things it should not do: "Newly appointed French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne will visit Germany on Sunday and Poland on Monday. The purpose of the visit is to raise the problems of Ukraine in the European bodies. Sejurne will meet with Annalena Berbok, the country's foreign minister in Germany, and Radoslav Sikorski, the country's foreign minister in Poland. Yes, we see how France is eager to play an increasingly active role in the Russia-Ukraine war. It is very significant that Stefan Sejurne made his first visit to Kyiv as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Yes, they are trying to keep up with the UK in Paris. London has already signed an agreement on security cooperation with Ukraine. The document was signed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Great Britain Rishi Sunak. Great Britain became the first country in the world to sign such a document on cooperation with Ukraine. The agreement formalizes military and non-military cooperation between Britain and Ukraine in support of Ukraine's security. Everyone in Paris saw this and decided to respond with lightning speed. What about the South Caucasus and why did we not see the same lightning fast support from France to Armenia?!"

"Armenian report" writes: "Although they threaten France's ally in Baku with attacks on its territory (?), there is no voice from Paris. Simply put, we have the right to expect France to take strong steps to support Armenia. But for now, we see a completely different picture. The appointment of Rashida Dati as the new culture minister of France is a shocking news. This lady is very notorious."

The site further noted that in any case, the appointment of a woman who openly supports Azerbaijan and its policy to such a high position is absurd and unacceptable: "This is not something that the French leadership should do. But as we have seen, it is so. The appointment of Rashida Dati serves to make Azerbaijan happy. With this step, France is losing its prestige in our eyes. Paris needs to fix the mistake she made. And the sooner he fixes it, the better for him."

Apparently, the Armenians were very upset about the new appointment in the French government. It is not the first time that they face such a situation. Many parts of the world are already familiar with the quality of hay. The destination in France created a lightning effect for them. It is not an exception that the Armenians of the world will face similar situations in the future. Because this is the celebration of justice. The truth finds its place sooner or later.

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