Envoy: Azerbaijan interested in full normalization of relations with Armenia


Denmark can play a role in the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia and contribute to the development of regional cooperation, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark Zaur Ahmadov told the Danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad.

He noted that Baku is interested in the complete normalization of relations with Yerevan.

“Our peace agenda is initiatives to create a peaceful and prosperous South Caucasus. The draft peace agreement proposed by Azerbaijan includes five elements based on principles of international law such as mutual respect for territorial integrity, renunciation of territorial claims, non-use of force and the threat of its application, defining the border and establishing a communication line,” said Ambassador Ahmadov.

The diplomat noted that in recent months there have been certain positive changes in the process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia: “The joint statement published on December 7 by the two countries without any mediator expresses a common commitment to normalizing relations and achieving a peace agreement that will allow the completion of 2023 year on a positive note.”
