Farid Shafiyev: It's difficult to reach a solid agreement with Armenia


It's difficult to reach a solid agreement with Armenia at the current stage, the Chairman of the Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center), Farid Shafiyev, told Report.

According to him, the latest process confirmed it once again.

Shafiyev believes that the issue of enclaves between Baku and Yerevan should be resolved within the framework of the delimitation process.

"In December, we had somewhat more optimistic grounds, but now there are several issues that need to be resolved. This includes issues such as guarantor, the delimitation map, transport routes, or the Zangazur Corridor. In particular, the issue of enclaves is on the agenda. But to be honest, I don't see that a solution will be found soon," said the chairman of the center.

Shafiyev cited the lack of a tradition of normal negotiations in the Armenian leadership as the reason for this, which is a very difficult task: "We see this when we look at recent history. For example, in 2020, a commitment was taken on regarding the Zangazur Corridor, but three years of negotiations did not yield results, so we are creating an alternative route through Iran. Seeing this, the Armenians have now come forward. They say that we are also ready, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, put forward the issue of the Crossroads of Peace."

The head of the center also pointed out that Azerbaijan is not satisfied with those conditions: "Crossroads of Peace project is a PR campaign. Although COP29 and the decisions on the exchange of prisoners created a certain opportunity in early December, the current events and the recent comments of the President show that it is difficult to reach a solid agreement with Armenia."
