The February 7 election will further increase the strength of our society


After the end of the Cold War, adapting to the rapidly changing global geopolitical conditions was a strategic task facing every country. Adapting to the new conditions also required radical and comprehensive reforms without delay. From this point of view, the implementation of innovative reforms in the economic and political spheres in Azerbaijan became an urgent task.

From the first years of independence, reforms in the direction of national state building in accordance with the democratic political system accepted all over the world were carried out in our republic. The deep and multifaceted reforms initiated by the great leader Heydar Aliyev and continued by President Ilham Aliyev not only led to the solution of the Karabakh problem, which has become a major obstacle to the comprehensive development of the South Caucasus region, but also created conditions for Azerbaijan to be recognized as an important actor of the world community. Undoubtedly, the extraordinary presidential elections to be held next year will further strengthen the position of our republic in the international world.

Azerbaijani citizens will go to the extraordinary presidential elections on February 7, 2024 with completely different feelings. 30 years ago, we were all citizens of a country where almost 20 percent of elections were not held. Our citizens, who were expelled from their native homes, took advantage of the right to vote by going to the polling stations in the areas where they took refuge, not in the areas where they lived. After the second Karabakh war, the situation changed radically. The brave Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev put an end to the 30-year Armenian occupation and restored our territorial integrity. Thanks to the determination and far-sighted policy of President Ilham Aliyev, who taught historical lessons to the Armenian separatists and their patrons, who tried to snatch our ancient lands by force, the influence of the political power of the Azerbaijan state was established in the liberated territories. Now the former internally displaced persons will vote in the established polling stations in their native cities and towns for the extraordinary presidential elections, which will become a significant event of our political life. By participating in the February 7 elections, which will become historic as the victory elections, they will experience the pride of being citizens of the entire Azerbaijan.

A completely new regional and geopolitical reality has emerged in the South Caucasus after the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from Armenian armed forces and the entry of our Army into Khankend and the disarmament of illegal Armenian military units. For the first time, presidential elections will be held in almost the entire territory of Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan will hold presidential elections in new conditions, and this is what makes the February 7 elections different from previous elections. Of course, early elections will reinforce the current realities and demonstrate to the world community the strength of our society and its desire to live in peace and security, including our neighbors. This fully meets both the norms of international law and the national interests of our country.

It is a fact that in the elections, every person, by revealing his position as a citizen, also considers the candidate's election program, his activities, and the level of fulfillment of his promises to the voters. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who will participate in the elections as a candidate of the New Azerbaijan Party, has successfully fulfilled all the promises he made during the last 20 years of activity. Mr. Ilham Aliyev's signature is on the improvement of the political system, on the successes achieved in the socio-economic fields, and on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, which is the biggest problem of the Azerbaijani people. On October 15, 2023, our President demonstrated to the whole world that our territorial integrity has been restored by raising the flag of Azerbaijan in the central square of Khankendi. This was the fulfillment of the biggest promise made to the people: after 30 years, the flag of Azerbaijan flew over the entire territory of the country. The words of President Ilham Aliyev once again demonstrated how wise the decision of the people of Azerbaijan was 20 years ago: "I am glad that all the promises I made during the last 20 years and all the tasks I set before myself were fulfilled."

In short, the February 7 extraordinary presidential elections will be remembered as a celebration of our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Today, the country has a favorable political environment for holding democratic elections. In 2020, the holding of the first extraordinary parliamentary elections in the country's history, which played an important role in the country's social and political life, and the adoption and approval of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Political Parties" created conditions for the formation of a healthier political environment in the country. In particular, it should be noted that the decision to hold early presidential elections was made after the process of state registration of the registers of political party members in the country was completed. Thanks to this, all the state-registered parties have been given the opportunity to participate in the elections. This approach is a clear proof that a fair competition environment is ensured in the country.

Ruslan Dadashov,
political scientist
