Peace in the South Caucasus is the best way


Despite the stubborn resistance of the Armenian diaspora, as well as all foreign forces, including France, who tried to prevent the establishment of peace in the South Caucasus, Armenia supported the consistent peace efforts put forward by Azerbaijan tirelessly. This step ultimately appeared in the form of a joint statement adopted by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia on December 7. The parties announced that they had reached an agreement on taking serious steps to build trust between the two countries, including the release of military personnel.

Thus, as a first step, a decision was made to exchange captives. Azerbaijan announced that it will release 32 Armenian prisoners, and Armenia will release 2 Azerbaijani prisoners. Mutual concessions were also announced at the political level. It was reported that as a manifestation of goodwill, Armenia withdraws its candidacy for hosting the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-29) and supports Azerbaijan's candidacy. In turn, Azerbaijan supported Armenia's candidacy for membership of the Bureau of the COP from the Eastern European Group. At the same time, it was declared: "The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia will continue discussions for the implementation of additional confidence-building measures in the near future and call on the international community to support the efforts of the two countries that will contribute to the creation of mutual trust and have a positive impact on the entire South Caucasus region."

Of course, the party we call the "international community" should also take its share of this important statement, work in the direction of "creating mutual trust" and make "efforts that will have a positive impact on the South Caucasus region". Thats it. Of course, France should also take its share of this statement and leave its desire to enter the South Caucasus through Armenia for a long time.

As Azerbaijan, we have repeatedly stated that Armenia should not rely too much on its foreign patrons, especially its "big sister" France. Yerevan should not try to distance itself from the peace efforts as an excuse for the insidious plans of Paris. Because tomorrow, when the issue of "iron fist" becomes inevitable, it will not be a French soldier who will die on the battlefield, but an Armenian soldier. The President of Azerbaijan, the victorious Commander-in-Chief, Ilham Aliyev, voiced such statements many times and noted that the official Yerevan should not try to solve the issue at the military level, this will lead to a tragic end for Armenia.

In his address to the participants of the international conference on "Neocolonialism: Violation of Human Rights and Injustice", which was recently published as an official document of the UN, President Ilham Aliyev criticized France's new colonial policy with historical facts and confirmed that such a country is not capable of patronizing Armenia in any way. In the address of our head of state, France, which occupied dozens of countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Ocean, and Latin America, plundered their wealth, and kept their people in slavery for many years, committed numerous military and crimes against humanity in those territories, and subjected hundreds of thousands of civilians to genocide due to their ethnic and religious affiliation. drew attention to the fact that the shameful new methods of French colonialism continue today. At the same time, he pointed out that as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement of Azerbaijan, he supports the peoples who are fighting against colonialism and trying to be free.

Recently, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, also declared that France is deceiving Armenia, and official Iravan should not engage in provocations. Erdogan said: "France has supported Armenia many times before. But there was no result. Even France, as co-chair of the former OSCE Minsk Group, could not achieve anything. Now he is provoking Armenia again. What will happen if he gives armored vehicles?! This will have no result. Because there is Azerbaijan that has already freed its land from occupation. Tanks, cannons, and rifles sent to Armenia have passed into the hands of Azerbaijan. "France is deceiving Armenia."

According to him, the Armenian authorities should draw conclusions from what happened in the recent past, should not engage in provocations, properly assess the opportunities for peace and should not fall into the trap of some countries. This will benefit Yerevan: "Peace with Azerbaijan is the best way for Armenia. Those who put weapons in their hands will leave Armenia alone."

Already in France itself, the number of those who admit that this country slanders Azerbaijan is expanding. Jerome Lambert, president of the Association of Friends of Azerbaijan in France (ADA), also spoke about the slanders against Azerbaijan in the French press and the negative effects of the activities of the Armenian lobby. Lamber noted that the slanders against Azerbaijan are not the opinions of the French, but the result of the malicious actions of some lobbyists: "Criticisms addressed to Azerbaijan are not constructive, they are slanderous, and Azerbaijan does not deserve it. We need to be more mobilized so that such situations do not happen."

France still continues to obstruct peace. It's good that Armenia has already understood that there is no alternative to peace in the South Caucasus.
