Zangezur corridor to create new opportunities for economic cooperation in South Caucasus - minister


The Zangezur corridor will create new opportunities for the development of economic cooperation in the South Caucasus, Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said, XQ reports.

“With its launch, the capacity of the Middle Corridor by rail and highway will increase, which will have a positive impact on the growth of trade on the East-West transport axis, stretching from Beijing to London,” Uraloglu said.

According to the minister, with the increasing efficiency of the Middle Corridor, Türkiye's strategic importance in the region will increase.

He noted that the functioning of the Zangezur corridor will have a positive impact on regional trade.

The increase in freight traffic in the region is expected to have a positive impact on the economic development of Türkiye's border provinces, as well as an increase in the number of companies operating in the logistics sector, Uraloglu added.
