Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová congratulates Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in election


President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová has sent a letter of congratulations to President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the snap presidential election.


“On behalf of the citizens of the Slovak Republic, as well as on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your appointment to the position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” the Slovak President said in her message.


Noting that the contemporary world faces numerous challenges, Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová underlined the importance of finding solutions in mutual cooperation, dialogue, multilateralism and compliance with the principles of international law, including respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.


Hailing the long-term friendly relations between Slovakia and Azerbaijan, President Zuzana Čaputová said she believes that thanks to the mutual opening of embassies, the two countries will be able to further deepen this cooperation.


“Dear Mr. President, I wish you especially good health and much success in the performance of your position. I wish citizens of your country peace, prosperity and successful democratic development,” the President of Slovak added.

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