Azerbaijan and China discuss military collaboration


On June 14, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov received a delegation led by the Deputy Chief of Office for International Military Cooperation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Major General Yao Qin visiting Azerbaijan, Report informs, citing Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry.

The delegation visited the Alley of Martyrs, where they laid flowers at the graves of Martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and honored their blessed memories.

Colonel General Zakir Hasanov welcomed the delegation and expressed his satisfaction with seeing them in Azerbaijan. The minister expressed confidence that such visits would contribute to Azerbaijani-Chinese military cooperation.

He noted that the heads of Azerbaijan and China play a special role in the development of relations between the states in a positive direction.

Colonel General Hasanov spoke about the historical significance of the liberation of the occupied lands after the Patriotic War that resulted in the Victory of the Azerbaijan Army under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. He noted that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was completely ensured after the anti-terror operation in the Karabakh economic region without damaging any civilian population and infrastructure.

The defense minister informed the Chinese guests about the current operational conditions on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional border.

Major General Yao Qin expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and highlighted the importance of such regular meetings to exchange experience between the armies of 2 countries, as well as to further develop relations. The Chinese guest invited the Azerbaijani Defense Minister to attend the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum to be held in Beijing in September, 2024.

He noted that China and Azerbaijan are always ready to provide support for ensuring regional peace and stability.

The meeting participants held extensive discussions on issues of mutual interest between Azerbaijan and China in military, military-technical and military educational fields.
