"I begged God to give me life to go and see Lachi. I should enter through the gate, look one way to the right and one way to the left."
Sonxeber.az reports that Fatma Karimova, a resident of Lachin, said these words in an interview to "ITV Khabar Yekun". Fatma Karimova is "110" years old. The clean air and water of Lachin, where he was born and lived, play a big role in reaching this age:
"Lachin is a place of abundance. There is no place like Lachin. The air is clean. I left here for 31 years. I am 99 years old. But when the Soviet government was established, I was a big girl. According to the people I saw, I am 110 years old. Maybe even more."
Life allowed him to see Lachi again. Now he remembers the days of Lachin in Lachin./BiG.AZ