UNEC in "THE Impact 2024" ranking


"THE Impact 2024" ranking of "Times Higher Education" (THE), which evaluates the activities of universities according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has been announced.

The world's most prestigious THE ranking reflects the impact of universities on education, social equality, and environmental protection.

THE Impact Ranking evaluates the indicators of the world's universities in four main areas (Research, Administration, Cooperation, and Teaching) and measures their performance on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

UNEC is ranked among the best, placing in the 101-200 range among 987 universities according to the economic and clean energy index.

Additionally, among 924 universities, it achieved a high result, placing in the 201-300 range in terms of climate activity. Among 1,681 universities, UNEC ranks 601-800 in the world for quality education, and 301-400 for reducing inequality among 1,108 universities.

UNEC’s achievement of high results on green indicators, especially its top rankings in "Efficient and clean energy" and "Climate action", is a clear indicator of "Green UNEC"'s commitment to environmental protection, its activities in alignment with sustainable development goals, and its environmental responsibility.

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