World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day marked in Berlin


The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany has organized an event marking the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year.


Hosted at the Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Berlin, the event gathered members of Azerbaijani, Turkish and other friendly country’s communities, as well as representatives of the German public.


Addressing the event, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Germany Nasimi Aghayev congratulated Azerbaijanis on the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year. “2023 was one of the most glorious years in the history of the Azerbaijani people. Precisely this year, Azerbaijan put an end to the 35 years of armed separatism existing in its territory, which brought countless tragedies to Azerbaijani people, fully restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Azerbaijan is one of a handful of countries in the world that has restored its sovereignty and territorial integrity after the Second World War,” the ambassador mentioned.


“With this glorious Victory, Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, as a wise leader who relies on the unity and high level of confidence of his people, and pursues well-considered strategies and policies, inscribed his name in the history of Azerbaijan in golden letters,” the diplomat underlined.


The event then featured performance of Azerbaijani composers’ songs by Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, singer and canon performer Rashad Ilyasov.
