Stele from Nomgon-2 complex presented


The Turkic Academy and the Archaeological Institute of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences co-organized a presentation in Ulaanbaatar, where they showcased the lower section of a stele discovered at the Nomgon-2 archaeological complex.

The scientific event took place at the Chinggis Khan Museum and was attended by Shahin Mustafayev, President of the Turkic Academy, Dugeriin Regdel, President of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, Gabit Koishibaev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Mongolia, Ali Said Serdengeçti, Chargé d’Affaires ad Interim at the Embassy of Türkiye to Mongolia, as well as representatives of diplomatic missions, institute heads, and other esteemed scientists.

Archaeologists involved in the excavation reported the discovery of an ancient Chinese text at the base of the unearthed stele, suggesting a potential connection between the Nomgon-2 ritual complex and Elteris Kutlyk-Kagan, ruler of the Turkic Khaganate.

Located on the Nomgon Plain in Khashaat Sum, Arkhangai region of Mongolia, the Nomgon-2 complex is regarded as the seat of the Khaganate rulers.

During archaeological excavations conducted between 2019 and 2023, a stone statue depicting a seated kagan was unearthed, along with fragments of two stone statues depicting lions with their cubs and several broken pieces of stone statues.

The Turkic Academy and the Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences plan to continue archaeological excavations at the complex situated on the Nomgon Plain.
