Baku hosts Int'l Ecological Forum


Baku is hosting the "Green World Solidarity: Waste to Value for a Sustainable Future" International Forum, Report informs.

Representatives from the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry of Azerbaijan, authorized UN delegates, and members of various international organizations, including several foreign countries, are taking part in the event.

Meanwhile, the head of the Environmental Policy Department under Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Ecology, Faig Mutallimov stated that the main goal of the forum is to promote the closed loop waste management.

"International experience is also used for this. One of our main priorities is the transition to a green economy. Receiving a new product from waste is one of the main goals," he added.

The official also noted the necessity of organizing such events in the regions."

The document "Zero waste: Baku initiative" will be adopted at the end of the two-day forum.
