Movement ‘Together’ calls on Armenia’s parliamentary forces to express vote of no confidence in Pashinyan


The nationwide political movement “Together” has demanded that parliamentary forces express a vote of no confidence in Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Report informs referring to Armenian media citing the statement of the political movement.

“The movement appeals to the three factions and independent deputies with a demand to complete the discussion of the report on the implementation of the government program in parliament by presenting a draft vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and putting it to a vote in accordance with Article 115 of the Constitution,” reads the statement.

The movement itself is ready to nominate its candidate for the post of head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

On March 27, “Together” held a rally on Freedom Square in Yerevan. Then the protesters organized a warning march to the parliament building. At the same time, the movement presented a four-page document consisting of 100 points with the main demand for the resignation of the government headed by Pashinyan.
