UN Resident Coordinator: COP29 is opportunity to make important decisions


COP29, which will be held in Baku in November, is an opportunity to make important decisions on a number of issues concerning every country, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Vladanka Andreeva said at the event themed "Opportunities and Challenges for Climate Action. European and Regional Perspective" held at ADA University in Baku on May 22, Report informs, Report informs.

"In such circumstances, when the participants of the climate conference gather in Baku in November, they will make a number of important collective decisions. All this indicates the global character of this event," she stressed.

Andreeva emphasized that all COPs are "building blocks" for each other.

“COP29 will also form the basis or starting point for some of the discussions at COP30. But there is another common goal - to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C," Andreeva added.
