Azerbaijani university hosts event dedicated to Day of Solidarity with Kashmir


An event dedicated to the Day of Solidarity with Kashmir was held at the Azerbaijan University of Languages, Report informs.

The Ambassador of Pakistan to Azerbaijan Bilal Hayee attended the event.

“Azerbaijan actively supports Pakistan and the rights of the Kashmiri people. We want this problem to be resolved peacefully,” said Kamal Abdullayev, rector of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, opening the event.

According to the rector, Azerbaijan attaches great importance to cooperation with Pakistan, including in the cultural sphere: “For example, at our university, there is a center for the Pakistani language, where students study Urdu.”

During the event, the envoy emphasized that Azerbaijan actively supports Pakistan on international platforms on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

"On this day, the government and people of Pakistan reiterate their unwavering support for their just and legitimate struggle. The right to self-determination is a fundamental principle of international law," he said.
