Three years pass since Armenian terror attack against Azerbaijan's Barda


It has been three years since Azerbaijan's Barda district was once again subjected to rocket fire by the Armenian armed forces during the Second Karabakh War, XQ reports.

The enemy once again treacherously and brutally shelled Garayusifli village in Barda, located outside the frontline zone, with Smerch rockets on October 27, 2020.

As a result, civilians Ofeliya Jafarova, Aybaniz Ahmadova, Ehtiram Ismayilov, Aysu Isgandarova and Almaz Aliyeva (born in 2013) became martyrs, and 13 more people were wounded.

The rocket fire from the enemy completely destroyed several residential houses and caused significant damage to the villagers.

During the second Karabakh war, Barda district and city center were subjected to rocket and artillery fire by Armenian armed forces three times (October 5, 27, and 28). As a result, 29 people became martyrs, 112 were wounded, and vehicles and civilian infrastructure facilities located in the area were significantly damaged.

In light of this fact, the General Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan initiated criminal proceedings under articles 120.2.1 (premeditated murder by an organized criminal community), 120.2.4 (premeditated murder with particular cruelty or in a generally dangerous way), 120.2.12 (premeditated murder with intent to incite national, racial, religious enmity, or hatred), 100.2 (waging a war of aggression), and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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