Fuad Huseynaliyev: Return of four border villages - important step towards peace agreement


The return of four border villages under Azerbaijan's control is an important step in the context of negotiations between Baku and Yerevan, Director of the Report news agency Fuad Huseynaliyev said on air on the CBC TV channel, according to Report.

According to him, such actions are the practical implementation of the border delimitation process.

"We always treat the various promises of the Armenian side with caution and a degree of pessimism. However, in this case, everything happened within the agreed time frame and these four villages came under the control of Azerbaijan. The border demarcation and delimitation have already been completed in these territories. This lays the foundation for achieving a peace agreement between the two countries, and also allows, along with negotiations on a peace agreement, to carry out parallel delimitation in other areas," he said.

Huseynaliyev noted that there is chance of signing the peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia by the end of 2024.

"It’s difficult to predict how quickly the process will proceed now, but there are certain deadlines that were expressed by the Armenian side. This can be done before the COP29 meeting in Baku, or at least before the end of the year," he said.

Fuad Huseynaliyev noted that the peace treaty must be comprehensive, and the international community must act as a guarantor of its implementation.

"We see certain revanchist forces in Armenia who claim that if there is a change of power, the agreement with Baku will be violated. This should not happen. The world community should also be fully familiar with this peace agreement," he said.
