Azerbaijani, Turkish ombudspersons visit Parliament of Northern Cyprus


As part of the Nicosia visit, Sabina Aliyeva, Azerbaijan’s Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and Şeref Malkoç, Chief Ombudsman of Türkiye met with Speaker of the parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Zorlu Tore.

Zorlu Tore expressed his confidence that the relations between the three brotherly countries would continue to develop steadily.

Şeref Malkoç emphasized the importance of the Turkic states uniting their efforts to address the long-standing injustices faced by the people of the TRNC.

Sabina Aliyeva highlighted Türkiye's support for Azerbaijan during the Patriotic War, which culminated in the liberation of territories previously occupied by Armenia. Additionally, she presented a document detailing the crimes committed by Armenians during the occupation and information on missing individuals to the Speaker of the TRNC..

Ramin Abdullayev

Special Correspondent
