Representative of Bangladesh: Baku among cities of Creative Cities Network established by UNESCO


Creative Cities Network was established by UNESCO in 2004 and Baku is one of those cities, Bangladesh’s Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Khondker M. Talha told the panel session themed “The importance of cultural and creative industries in ensuring modern development trends and economic diversification” held on the sidelines of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku Thursday, Report informs.

According to him, creative economy has a greater role in societies.

The creative industry has become a world trend today, he noted adding that UNESCO pays special attention to this field.

Talha noted that creative artists and cities need to be protected.

There is no protective system for this sector in the legislation, he noted.

He added that the forum is very important in terms of discussing these issues.

According to Talha, events like this bring cultures together and have the potential to establish peace.
