Fuad Huseynaliyev: Armenian policy shaped by illusions fueled by France


Armenia’s peace calls are often aimed at a domestic audience, Director of Report News Agency Fuad Huseynaliyev said during a debate on the air of the Hədəf program on Azerbaijan Television (AzTV), Report informs.

“We saw this in his (Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's - ed.) speeches in parliament, at press conferences and during addresses to the Armenian public. But during a visit to any Western country, Pashinyan’s rhetoric changes 180 degrees. He begins to make accusations against Azerbaijan. This shows that Pashinyan expects some kind of support from the West and thus wants to delay the signing of the peace agreement, acting on the illusions that are fueled by France,” said Huseynaliyev.

According to the director of the agency, France, in turn, wants to enter the South Caucasus through Armenia.

“The goal is to strengthen its positions here, although France historically did not have any influence and positions in the South Caucasus. Paris simply intends to take advantage of the war that Russia is waging in Ukraine and create an outpost here. After this, the French side, within its neocolonial policy will make attempts to expand their influence to other regions,” Fuad Huseynaliyev said.
