The international scientific conference themed “Embracing Diversity: Tackling Islamophobia in 2024” has featured a plenary session on “Calling for global dialogue to promote tolerance, peace and respect for human rights and religious diversity”.
The session was moderated by Fariz Ismailzade, Vice Rector for External, Government and Student Affairs of ADA University.
In his remarks, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade said that it had become a tradition for Azerbaijan to host international conferences on tackling Islamophobia. “Azerbaijan, a country where the environment of interreligious brotherhood prevails, always remember its national, cultural and religious values. Azerbaijan’s multiculturalism is an example to the entire world. People living here are treated with the same respect, regardless of their religion or race,” he mentioned.
Ambassador, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue at ICESCO Khalid Fathalrahman Omer Mohamed said that thanks to the purposeful policy of President Ilham Aliyev the Azerbaijani government is doing great things in combatting Islamophobia.
Head of the OIC Islamophobia Observatory Dodik Ariyanto underscored that Islamophobia had already become a global phenomenon. He described the adoption of the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the fight against Islamophobia as a progressive case, saying that such documents confirm the existence of Islamophobia at the global level.
Former Ambassador of the South Africa to the U.S., Founder of World for All Foundation Ebrahim Rasool emphasized that over the past hundred years, the world has been witnessing negative manifestations such as wars, racism, and Islamophobia. “This level of hatred and gender-based violence is a serious concern,” he added.
Secretary General of the World Muslim Communities Council Mohamed Bechari put forward proposals to prevent cases of Islamophobia, stressing the importance of holding seminars and forums. The Secretary General expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for the excellent organization of the event.
Speaking at the event, Vice chair of APPG British Muslim, Shadow Minister for Exports in Labour’s Business and Trade Team Afzal Khan said: "Islamophobia is a form of racism that is more evident in the West. So, the cases of Islamophobia in the world have recorded 335 percent increase in recent months. Moreover, 51 Muslims were killed in New Zealand.”
The event continued with discussions around the topic.