Arab Parliament expresses its deep regret regarding PACE`s refusal to ratify Azerbaijan’s credentials


President of the Arab Parliament Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoomi sent a letter on 13 February to President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Theodoros Rousopoulos regarding the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) not to ratify the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation.


According to the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis, the letter reads: ‘The Arab Parliament has followed the resolution adopted by the PACE about the non-ratification of the credentials of the delegation of the Parliament of Azerbaijan to the PACE. The Arab Parliament expresses its deep regret over the adoption of this resolution; the Republic of Azerbaijan is a friend and strategic partner of the Arab States and plays a significant and influential role to preserve cultural diversity and to promote dialogue among civilisations.”


The letter highlights that the Republic of Azerbaijan has been a member of the Council of Europe since 2001 and plays a major role in promoting activities of this Organisation and achieving its principles and objectives. At the global level, it makes concerted efforts to lower tensions and conflicts; the role it has played through its chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement and its successes are the best proof of that.


The letter also emphasizes that at the initiative of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network was established, and over a short period, the Network gained a global role in promoting the values and principles of dialogue and cooperation and disseminating a culture of peace and tolerance.


“International multilateral organisations, such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, are based on the promotion of dialogue and understanding, and serve as a platform for enhancing cooperation, and they should not lose their strength and unity at the time of increasing conflicts and divisions around the world. Moreover, multilateral parliamentary diplomacy must be an instrument to reconcile points of view, and a wall of resistance in front of any divisions, and an added value for the diffusion of the principles of peace and tolerance,” the letter stresses.


The letter ends with a reiteration of the regrets of the Arab Parliament about the refusal to ratify the credentials of Azerbaijan’s parliamentary delegation. It says that the Arab Parliament count on the personal and professional support of the PACE President in reviewing the resolution, which contradicts the principles of dialogue and cooperation. The letter call on the PACE and the Milli Majlis to begin a direct dialogue at the earliest.
