Turkish reporter: I wish people of Azerbaijan successful presidential election


Let me start by saying that elections are being held in these lands for the first time in 30 years, and citizens are casting their votes. I see great delight and happiness in the people I talk to, their eyes fill up when they talk. This is great to see,” Pelin Aykin, a reporter of the Turkish "Milliyet" newspaper told AZERTAC’s regional correspondent.


Emphasizing that everyone she conversed with said positive things about Türkiye, the reporter then added that she saw destroyed villages along the way and felt extremely sad about it. "However, the reconstruction of villages and the planting of trees looks very promising. If we have the opportunity to come back here again, we will see that those trees grow even taller, and people live in those villages just like before. It is amazing. From this point of view, I wish the people of Azerbaijan a successful presidential election," Pelin Aykin emphasized.
