Expert: Positive trends in Baku-Yerevan relations - hope for peace in 2024


There has been positive progress in the process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which gives reason to hope for the possibility of signing a peace treaty in 2024, Italian analyst, Ph.D. fellow in International Law at the La Sapienza University of Rome, Valentina Chabert, told Report.

“Undoubtedly, leaving aside foreign mediation has brought significant advances for the two former-belligerent countries. This culminated in the joint statement of December 7, 2023 released by the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, which represents a fundamental confidence-building measure between the countries, and which led to the release of 32 Armenian soldiers in exchange for Armenia’s support of Azerbaijani COP29 candidacy," she said.

She believes that the statement was a proof of the fact that the mutual goodwill and political commitment of the parties should and can be developed at the regional level and especially prioritizing three specific elements: direct bilateral engagement; absence of external pressure; reciprocal support at the international level.

"In the wake of a positive atmosphere, however, we should also be realistic of the existence of many aspects in which the countries still disagree. First, only three out of the five articles proposed by Azerbaijan have been accepted by Armenia, meaning that a formal statement regarding the remaining two is yet to be made. Second, the issue of regional connectivity and especially the realization of the Zangazur corridor could represent a further element of delay, even though President Aliyev repeatedly stated that Azerbaijan has no reservations with respect to Armenian sovereignty," Chabert said.
