Ambassador: Developing relations with Azerbaijan is priority for Uzbekistan


The development and strengthening of relations with Azerbaijan is one of the priorities of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan Bahrom Ashrafkhanov said during an event at Baku State University (BSU) dedicated to the Days of Science and Culture of Uzbekistan in Azerbaijan, Report informs.

According to the diplomat, Uzbekistan considers Azerbaijan an important strategic partner, which is confirmed by the results achieved in political, economic, cultural and many other spheres.

“Today I am filled with joy that, by order of the President of Uzbekistan, at the beginning of the year we are holding the Days of Science and Culture of Uzbekistan in Azerbaijan. Without exaggeration, I want to say that this decision is a sign of great respect and love that our head of state and the Uzbek people in general have for the fraternal Azerbaijani people. At a meeting last November in Baku, the leaders of our countries declared 2024 a year of intensive development of Uzbek-Azerbaijani multifaceted relations,” Bahrom Ashrafkhanov said.

The ambassador also noted that Azerbaijan became one of the first countries to support the decision to hold the 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference in Samarkand in 2025.
