Envoy: Russia ready to help achieve peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan


Russia is ready to provide maximum possible assistance in achieving peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Russian Ambassador to Yerevan Sergey Kopyrkin told Russian media, Report informs.

“The Russian side has worked very actively, persistently, consistently and continues to work in this direction. Russia remains firmly committed to providing maximum possible assistance to this process, to achieving a truly sustainable, fair peaceful settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” he noted.

He said that Moscow is interested in stable peace in the region.

“We support the process of normalization of relations and Russia has always emphasized its readiness to work in this direction on all aspects, be it the conclusion of a peace treaty, be it delimitation, demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, be it the opening of communications,” Kopyrkin added.

He noted that the corresponding tripartite structures have been created, and Russia is actively participating in them.

“Russia has been, remains and will remain committed to active work in this direction. For us, this issue is vitally important. The South Caucasus region is a very important region for us, and it is in our vital interests that the region be peaceful, stable and prosperous,” the ambassador emphasized.
