An example of service to the people, the state, the region and the world...


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This intention was clearly visible in the interview of President Ilham Aliyev to local television channels

In the true sense of the word, he is prone to innovation in any field and always achieves his goal in that direction. He does not forget the "old". On the contrary, it builds all innovations on old traditions. It was the same when we turned our state into one of the main actors in the world, when we drew the attention of the whole world to our righteous cause, in the process of restoring our territorial integrity and sovereignty, and even in any interview.

For many years, we have not forgotten the republic-wide events called "Deliberation of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the results of the socio-economic development of the past year and future tasks" held in the first weeks of January under the chairmanship of our head of state. There, our head of state wanted to listen to the reports of the field leaders after the extensive introductory speech, and asked relevant questions to the ministers and committee chairmen. In the last few years, Mr. President still entrusts his tradition of asking questions to the press representatives at a large event held in the first weeks of January. As they say, "you ask, and I'll tell you what the new realities are".

In this year's interview, as a journalist, there were two points that made me more satisfied: One was that our head of state recalled some special details of our political life last year while answering journalists' questions, and the other was that the President of Azerbaijan, in his political activity, not only ensured the interests of our people and our state, but also determination to contribute to solving most of the problems of the region and the world in general.

On January 10, it became clear once again that President Ilham Aliyev succeeded in diversifying the goal of serving the people, in the true sense of the word. In his answers, all issues of the socio-economic life of the country, the military-technical preparation of the state, and the political-diplomatic activity of the head of state were expressed in a way that even the simplest representative of the people could understand.

Since I was more among the people, I heard such questions every day, why are we holding early elections even though there is still a long time left for the presidential elections? Our head of state clearly conveyed the answer to this question to "interest holders" both within the country and in the international world: "20 years of my activity as President have been completed. This is also a period and we should accept it as a conclusion. The holding of presidential elections again after 20 years, of course, justifies this chronological period."

Another point, Mr. President, in response to the arguments written in the country's press and voiced at mass events over the past three years, "Ilham Aliyev liberated Karabakh from enemy occupation", "Our Commander-in-Chief dealt crushing blows to Armenians and their patrons" and other similar arguments, said: "We all we are happy that we live in this era, we are witnesses of this era, we participated in the achievement of this great Victory. Each in its place, like you media representatives, me as the Commander-in-Chief, all sections of our people were bringing this Victory closer with their work. It has become a national issue, a national movement, and despite the efforts of many of our international partners, this topic has not been forgotten for 30 years."

One of the points that should be emphasized is that three years ago, the gifts of our villains did not fall from the lips: "What kind of victory are you talking about without Khojali and Khankendi?" we heard the answer to his question: "Of course, if the war continued, it would be very difficult to liberate the regions of Kalbajar and Lachin already in the winter season. However, we would do that. But our losses could be extremely high, even more than the number of martyrs we lost in the 44-day war. We all knew it well." Considering this point, we mentioned above that Mr. President's service to the people is sufficiently diversified. At that difficult moment, during our happy hours after the liberation of Shusha, any Azerbaijani wanted and even demanded that our army go further. However, Mr. President took care of less losses of our army.

We did not accidentally mention the phrase "Mr. President's determination to serve the region" above. Because our head of state repeatedly reminded in that interview that we always strived for peace even before the Second Karabakh War, during the days of the war, and in the three years after the Victory, and we are still of the same opinion. Because peace will bring progress and prosperity to our region. In Armenia, they should understand that today they need peace more than anyone else.

As for our argument that President Ilham Aliyev has contributed to redirecting the processes in the world to a fair course, for this purpose, quoting Mr. President himself will fully clarify our conclusion: "Our chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement ends, but the Baku Initiative Group will live on, we will continue to expose French neo-colonialism and French we will support the process of liberating the colonies from the oppression of France".

