President: International community includes all countries, and these countries have unanimously shown their great support for Azerbaijan


“The concept of international community and international unity is sometimes distorted in the West. The international community is not about 30-40 countries. The international community includes all countries of the world, and these countries have unanimously shown their great support for Azerbaijan. This is not the first time this has happened,” said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed a meeting regarding the hosting of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP29 in Azerbaijan next year, Report informs.

The head of state noted: “We have been successfully chairing the Non-Aligned Movement for four years, and here too, our chairmanship has been possible with the support of 120 countries. In fact, our chairmanship has been extended by one year. This was a great indicator in itself. A total of 120 countries of the world have expressed their support for Azerbaijan. This time, all countries of the world have shown this support.”
