Although digestion becomes difficult in the dead end...


At least there is a way out of the most difficult situation

The famous hero of Arthur Conan Doyle, the detective Sherlock Holmes, was able to find the traces of the most serious crimes and solve the most mysterious murders thanks to his deduction ability and intuition. One of the reasons for his constant success is that he is familiar with the points of reconciliation between the present and the past, reality and unreality.

It turns out that drawing parallels between politics and life is as interesting an activity as comparing the past with the present, and sometimes it is completely appropriate. Let's take the issue of attitude to the past. Despite the fact that the past is well aware that it is the adhesive tapes that bind him to the old bed, one cannot let go of the skirts of those who are ten, twenty, thirty years behind. Although he realizes that this sticky bed, which does not allow him to stand up, will lead to his end, he is in no hurry to gather his will and courage to wake up from a long-term sleep and save himself from the vacuum of inactivity. It is as if some divine force or spirits will free him from the slavery of the suffocating room, from the captivity of the bed where he is riveted, will wake him up from his deep sleep, and only in this way will he find peace and freedom. That is, a miracle will happen. After all, the final fate of those who believe in miracles is not good at all...

The same thing happens with Armenians. They are also in the situation of a person who wakes up from a thirty-year sleep and finds it difficult to accept reality. Although, three years ago, the Azerbaijani soldier woke them up from their sleep and made them face the bitter reality. It is true that the complete awakening will take some time, but recently there are visible signs of it. Let's assume that Nikol Pashinyan's attempts to prolong the negotiation process and create obstacles to peace in the last three years served to gradually prepare the Armenian society for adaptation to peace with Azerbaijan. This can be explained by the fact that the prime minister sometimes raises the issue of relevance and purposefulness of the basic principles of Armenian identity. In this sense, there is no doubt that Pashinyan's party is the only force capable of inducing a revolution in the public consciousness in Armenia, including a new attitude towards the neighbors. This party, which came to power five years ago, will perhaps play the role of a guarantor of a happy future in the fate of the Armenian people. Thus, as it can be seen, despite all the hesitations and contradictions, the Armenian people are ready to change the paradigm of hostile attitude towards Azerbaijan, which is rooted in their brains.

Consider the ironic picture of the current situation: if Armenia occupied Karabakh in the last thirty years, but now Karabakh acts as the invader of Armenia. Yes, freedom is needed today not for Karabakh, which has remained in the past, but for Armenia, which is going through difficult times. Along with his victory, Azerbaijan also gave him his physical freedom. But in order to win moral and constitutional freedom, the official Iravan will have to endure a lot of suffering. Changing the constitution, which formalized territorial claims against neighbors, should be the first step on this path. Despite internal protests and external threats, Pashinyan is doomed to take this step. No matter how hard it is, he has to get his state and his nation out of this deadlock, which swallows the defeat but has difficulty digesting it. It should eliminate the defect in the gastrointestinal tract of both. But at this time, the prime minister should not forget that it is a difficult task to quickly get rid of the deadlock.

At this point, it is appropriate to recall the words of Armenian political expert Artur Martirosyan addressing Pashinyan: "Nikol should convince Armenians that closing the Karabakh issue and achieving peace is the right decision. After bilateral relations begin to emerge, Yerevan will gain a number of economic dividends, which will be presented to the people as a positive result. According to Pashinyan, the issue of "Armenian genocide" should also be closed. He is trying to take steps that will be considered acceptable for the Turkish world. It tests a variety of ways to gauge people's thinking and check the pulse of the opposition. For example, they did it through changes in the textbooks, but after public dissatisfaction, it calmed down a bit. But there will be no retreat."

Of course, there is no room for retreat. There is an infamous raisin that will only make you sweat with embarrassment every time you remember it. Ahead of us is a peace agreement that will bring Armenia out of its impasse. Its signing will mean the final and crushing blow to the "leading pillars" of the separatists, Dashnaks, "Karabakh clan" and lobbyists, who have cornered Pashinyan. It is then that many secrets covered by the miatsum veil will be revealed, and daylight will fall on the darkness.

The popularity of the character of Sherlock Holmes and its impact on the readership is also explained by the fact that the detective always succeeds in the triumph of justice, the right wins, and the victim receives compensation. Everyone is happy with the finale. Even the exposed party...



