Arab media outlets highlight President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at ADA-hosted forum


The Arab media outlets, including “Akhbar el-Yom” and “Al-Baath” newspapers, Gpress8 web portal, as well as SANA and NNA news agencies, have widely covered President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev’s speech in the Forum titled "Karabakh: Back Home After 30 Years. Accomplishments and Challenges" co-organized by ADA University and the Center of Analysis of International Relations.


The articles highlighted excerpts from the speech of the Azerbaijani President in the Forum, which brought together more than 60 foreign and local leaders of think tanks to discuss important global and regional issues.


The articles also drew the readers’ attention towards President Ilham Aliyev’s remarks on the 44-day Karabakh war, the local anti-terrorist measures carried out in the territory of Karabakh, as well as initiatives to achieve peace treaty with Armenia.
