"Kalbajar was returned to Azerbaijan without being martyred as a result of the determined policy of President Mr. Ilham Aliyev" - Deputy


Direction: The historical victory won in the 44-day "Patriotic War" under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar, the crimes against peace and humanity committed by Armenia, as well as the delivery of the truth to the world community about war crimes

"On April 2, 1993, the Kalbajar region was occupied by the Armenian armed forces. During the occupation, 511 civilians were killed, 321 people were captured and disappeared. During the 27-year occupation, the Armenians devastated the territory of Kalbajar, cutting down and destroying its forests. It is against the principles of international organizations. In 1999, Armenians carried out illegal settlement in some parts of Kalbajar.

Kamila Aliyeva, a member of the Milli Majlis, said these words to Sonxeber.az.

The deputy noted that international organizations did not put any pressure on Armenia:

"Kalbajar, where ancient settlements with more than 30,000 years of history and 6,000-year-old rock paintings have been found, is a region with a mysterious and unique nature not only in Azerbaijan, but in the entire Caucasus. In 1930, Kalbajar was given the status of a district. The territory of Kalbajar is 3054 square meters. km, the population before the occupation was 53478. Kalbajar, one of the largest regions of Azerbaijan, consisted of one city, 1 settlement, and 145 villages.

Resolution No. 822 of the UN Security Council was adopted on April 30, 1993. The resolution demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territory of Azerbaijan. However, Armenia refused to implement this Resolution. International organizations did not put any pressure on Armenia in this regard."

Kamila Aliyeva noted that large-scale construction and improvement works are continuing rapidly in Kalbajar. Motorways are being constructed in accordance with modern requirements, and new tunnels are being built. Great work is being done to fully provide the region with electricity. The construction of hydroelectric power stations continues, the Kalbajar substation has already been put into use. Schools, hospitals, residential buildings will be built in Kalbajar district according to the Master Plan. It is planned to settle 421 families in Yanshag village of Kalbajar, 487 families in Zallar village, and 855 families in Zar village:

"In the Patriotic War that began on September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijani Army liberated the northern part of Kalbajar from occupation in the first days of the fighting. The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, which captured the strategic heights, took control of the Basarkechar-Kalbajar road, thereby paralyzing the armed forces of the Armenian Army in this direction.
The victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev won a historic victory over Armenia on the political table as well as on the battlefield. According to the November 10, 2020 Statement, on November 25, Kalbajar was returned to Azerbaijan as a result of President Ilham Aliyev's resolute policy without firing a single shot or martyrdom. Kalbajar region was completely freed from occupation. On November 26, 2020, the medal "For the liberation of Kalbajar" was established. By the orders of the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev, 9454 servicemen of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces were awarded the medal "For the liberation of Kalbajar".
According to the Decree of the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated June 31, 2023, city days were established in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the said Order, November 25 is defined as Kalbajar city day.

Large-scale construction and improvement works are already continuing rapidly in Kalbajar. Motorways are being constructed in accordance with modern requirements, and new tunnels are being built. Great work is being done to fully provide the region with electricity. The construction of hydroelectric power stations continues, the Kalbajar substation has already been put into use. Schools, hospitals, residential buildings will be built in Kalbajar district according to the Master Plan. It is planned to settle 421 families in Yanshag village of Kalbajar, 487 families in Zallar village, and 855 families in Zar village. After liberation from occupation, President Mr. Ilham Aliyev visited Kalbajar 5 times. During the visits, our head of state raised the flag of Azerbaijan in Kalbajar, participated in the opening of many infrastructure facilities, including the groundbreaking ceremony of the famous "Istisu" sanatorium. In the coming years, Kalbajar will become the most famous sanatorium and resort center in the world."

