Romanian PM informed about Azerbaijan’s plans on establishing lasting peace in South Caucasus


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov has met with Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu.


They hailed the level of traditional ties of friendship and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Romania. The two further noted that the intensification of reciprocal visits, high-level dialogue, as well as political consultations would contribute to the development of bilateral cooperation in economic, humanitarian, security, educational and other spheres.


The pair stressed the importance of developing multifaceted strategic cooperation between the two countries, exchanging views on developing interparliamentary relations and strengthening cooperation in regional and international organizations.


FM Bayramov informed Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu about Azerbaijan’s plans to establish lasting peace in South Caucasus, the practical steps taken by the country in this regard, as well as the normalization agenda with Armenia.


The discussions also revolved around new areas of cooperation and other issues of mutual concern.
