President of Romanian Senate: Azerbaijan's support to global energy security is apparent


” The extent to which Azerbaijan supports the global community in energy security is apparent,” said President of the Senate of the Romanian Parliament, Nicolae Ciucă as he met with Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova.

The meeting addressed the inter-parliamentary relationships between the two nations. Ciucă said that there is a great potential for further development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Romania in many fields, including energy, transport, healthcare, and education.

Nikolae Ciucă expressed his view that the trip would advance parliamentary and other ties between the two countries. Mentioning the strong friendship that exists between Romania and Azerbaijan, he also emphasized the numerous domains in which the two nations cooperate.

Nikolae Ciucă said that the high-level relations between the two states create good opportunities for the further development of cooperation between the legislative bodies, and emphasized the importance of contacts between parliamentarians and friendship groups. The President of the Senate highlighted the significance of this visit for holding discussions aimed at furthering the relations.

He said that he visited Azerbaijan in various capacities and shared his positive impressions about the country.

Sahiba Gafarova, expressed her conviction that this visit would contribute to further strengthening and expansion of relations between the friendly countries.

Speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament Gafarova spoke of the political and military provocations committed by Armenia, planting landmines in Azerbaijani territories. She also added 8 villages of Azerbaijan remain to be under the occupation of Armenia.

They also discussed the steps taken toward the reintegration of the Armenian residents of Karabakh.

Ciucă reaffirmed that Romania always upholds the peace plan and recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
