FM Jeyhun Bayramov: Azerbaijan is interested in building peace with Armenia based on territorial integrity and sovereignty


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov has met with head of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Touching upon the existing traditions of interreligious harmony, tolerance and multiculturalism in Azerbaijan, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov drew attention to the fact that in Azerbaijan, where the majority of the population are Muslims, representatives of Christians, Jewish and other religions live in conditions of mutual understanding, good-neighbourliness, and peace.

FM Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan has become one of the global centers of intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue, adding that and a number of globally important initiatives have been put forward by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and, and Azerbaijan regularly hosts a number of important international events.

The minister provided detailed information about the challenges to regional peace and security that Armenia and its so-called regime had established in Azerbaijan for nearly 30 years, as well as the large-scale mine threats in the territories of Azerbaijan.

Jeyhun Bayramov also briefed the guest on the reasons of the local anti-terrorist measures implemented by Azerbaijan in its sovereign territory in full accordance with international humanitarian law, as well as the current disarmament process, the urgent measures undertaken by Azerbaijan to meet the needs of the Armenian residents, and intensive work on the reintegration of the Armenian residents of Karabakh.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov underscored that Azerbaijan is interested in building peace with Armenia based on the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty.

During the meeting, the parties also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.
