President: Azerbaijani gas is needed more than ever before in Europe due to recent geopolitical changes


Investments in renewable energy will allow us to save a lot of natural gas, which we use now to produce electricity,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he addressed an official inauguration of the Garadagh Solar Power Plant.


“Investments in renewable energy will allow us to save a lot of natural gas, which we use now to produce electricity. It's several billion cubic meters of natural gas, which will be saved for export. Because the Azerbaijani gas is needed more than ever before in Europe due to recent geopolitical changes,” the head of state noted.


The Azerbaijani leader pointed out that Azerbaijan had commissioned 3,500 kilometers gas pipeline from Caspian offshore fields to Europe on time.


“It will be another contribution to energy security of the broader region,” he added.

Official chronicle