President: Azerbaijan complied with all humanitarian norms during the occupation, during the second Karabakh war and during the anti-terrorist operation


Azerbaijan complied with all humanitarian norms during the occupation, during the second Karabakh war and during the anti-terrorist operation. By the way, this is evidenced by international experts, including the UN mission, which visited the liberated territories just recently, yesterday and before that, about a week ago, twice, and noted that all humanitarian norms had been observed,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he met with the participants of the 53rd meeting of the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of the CIS member countries.


“Nevertheless, Armenian patrons in the West have launched a dirty, provocative and false campaign against Azerbaijan, accusing us of all possible sins. France plays the main violin here, and this is reflected in the statements of officials of this country, attempts to discredit Azerbaijan, an extensive media campaign against Azerbaijan, where everything is turned upside down. Azerbaijan is portrayed as an aggressor, while Armenia is described as a victim,” the head of state added.

Official chronicle