Azerbaijani, Turkish special Forces demonstrate high professionalism during training for joint tactical exercises


During the training for "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint tactical exercises to be held in Azerbaijan, the special forces of Azerbaijan and Türkiye have demonstrated high professionalism, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.


“In the course of the next training for joint exercises, the Special Forces were put on alert in accordance with the assigned task and fulfilled various actions using protective features of the terrain and camouflage means.


Overcoming obstacles that may arise on the battlefield, the group conducted a sudden assault on an imaginary enemy’s deployment point according to the plan. The enemy’s command and control points and communications centers were incapacitated, its manpower was neutralized.


The training for "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint tactical exercises continues,” the ministry said.
