From Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia


His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Your Excellency,


Allow me to extend to you my most heartfelt congratulations for your birthday, as well as my best wishes for your good health and prosperity in your personal and professional endeavors. I am truly proud of the relationship and cooperation we have built between our countries and nations, but above all of the personal bonds that are growing stronger every day.


The Republic of Serbia highly appreciates the position of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the observance of the principles of international law and the UN Charter, which reflects your respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. Rest assured that this position is mutual and that Azerbaijan will always have a solid and reliable partner and friend in Serbia.


I was very happy to host you in Niš, during your recent visit on the occasion of inauguration of the Gas Interconnector Serbia-Bulgaria, which will help us diversify our energy sources, is another step towards even more fruitful and prosperous bilateral cooperation, but even beyond that. Our side is eager to work hand in hand with our friends from Azerbaijan on implementation of all new ideas and projects that we discussed and that will be to the benefit of our citizens.


While I look forward to meeting you soon, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you Your Excellency my cordial regards and the assurances of my highest consideration.






Aleksandar Vučić


President of the Republic of Serbia
