Solemn ceremony dedicated to 53rd anniversary of Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski held, Defense Ministry


Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski operating under the National Defense University held Thursday solemn ceremony dedicated to its 53rd anniversary, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

“The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Defense Ministry and the public, staff of the lyceum, servicemen, the creative team of the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov, former years' graduates and other guests.

First, the busts of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and Jamshid Nakhchivanski in the military lyceum were visited. The memory of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and Shehids (Martyrs), who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, was honored with observing a minute of silence. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan accompanied by a military orchestra was performed.

Then, the Battle Flag of the lyceum was solemnly brought to the parade ground.

Speakers at the ceremony highlighted the services rendered by the lyceum in the training of national professional servicemen in Azerbaijan over the past period, its important role in increasing the prestige of the military profession and increasing the number of young people dedicated their lives to the military.

It was noted that the graduates of the lyceum who participated in the hostilities for the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan were awarded the honorary titles of “Hero of the Patriotic War” and “Azerbaijan National Hero”, showing great courage were awarded various orders and medals.

The cadets performed the lyceum’s march accompanied by a Military Orchestra, and solemnly marched in front of the grandstand.

The event ended with a concert program presented by the creative team of the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov,” the ministry said.

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