Deputy minister: COP29 among most prestigious and important events in Azerbaijan’s history


Such a prestigious event as the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) is one of the most prestigious and important in Azerbaijan’s history, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov said at a forum in Baku dedicated to the impact of the transition to a green economy on consumer behavior and the consumer market, challenges and prospects, Report informs.

He noted that the selection of Azerbaijan as the venue for this event is another indicator of high trust in the country, as well as the result of successful cooperation with international organizations.

“The organization of an international platform in Azerbaijan, on which the most pressing problems of humanity are discussed, confirms the position of our country as a responsible partner in solving global problems. Close coordination of our country’s goals in the fight against climate change with global challenges has already created certain experience for us,” Mammadov added.

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