Neo-Nazi March in Yerevan


Below AZERTAC places an article released by an international media outlet about the legacy of Armenian general Garegin Nzhdeh, who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.


In the heart of Yerevan, Armenia, on January 1st, 2024, streets echoed with the chilling chant of ‘Sieg Heil,’ a phrase historically associated with the Nazi regime. This unsettling manifestation was part of a march honoring Garegin Nzhdeh, a controversial figure in Armenian history, known for his collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War II.


Despite his conviction for Nazi collaboration, Nzhdeh has retained a significant following within Armenia. His ideology, a blend of Armenian superiority and anti-Turkish sentiment, continues to resonate with certain extremist factions in the country. Throughout the war, Nzhdeh ensured the Armenian Legion, an army unit within the Wehrmacht, followed Nazi orders. His influence extended to various regions, including the Caucasus, Crimea, and France.


Nzhdeh’s legacy is complex and contentious. While his actions during World War II are viewed with disdain by many, his ideology has found a home among a segment of the Armenian population. The proliferation of monuments and street namings in his honor, including a village named after him, testifies to his enduring influence and the glorification of his ideology by some groups within Armenia.


In Yerevan, a monument dedicated to Nzhdeh was erected in 2016, adding to at least seventeen other locations across Armenia bearing his name. Streets named after Nzhdeh can be found in numerous cities and settlements, including Gyumri and Gafan.




Guivami Rahimli


PhD, Professor at Baku State University


Senior Government Affairs Advisor,


bp Azerbaijan-Georgia-Türkiye region

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