Azerbaijan discusses impact of Competition Code on business environment


A public discussion was organized on the possible impact of the Competition Code on the business environment in Azerbaijan, Report informs, citing the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBIA) under the Azerbaijani Economy Ministry.

The public discussion themed "New Competition Code: the impact of the changes in the competition legislation on the business environment" was organized by the Public Council under the KOBIA with the support of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Economy Ministry, KOBIA and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan.

Representatives of relevant state institutions and about 80 business subjects participated in the event held in the framework of state-entrepreneurial cooperation at Baku SME House.

Farhad Garashov, the chairman of the Public Council under KOBIA, noted that the event was organized in order to inform entrepreneurs about the Competition Code, which will come into force on July 1, 2024, and to answer their questions.

In particular, Mammad Abbasbayli, head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, informed about the Competition Code, which was prepared on the basis of advanced international experience, and the modern approaches applied in the direction of continuous improvement of the business and competitive environment.

Chairman of the Management Board of KOBIA Orkhan Mammadov assessed the adoption of the Competition Code as one of the successes achieved in the direction of improving the economic legislative base of Azerbaijan.

Within the framework of the event, the practical basics of the Competition Code's application were explained and the questions of the participants of the event were answered.
