Executive director of Baku Initiative Group speaks about landmine problems facing Azerbaijan at UN event


The executive director of the Baku Initiative Group (BIG), Abbas Abbasov, spoke about the landmine problems facing Azerbaijan at the event titled “Victims of Terrorism – International Standards and Good Practices,” held within the framework of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Report informs.

He spoke about the mine terrorism committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan for 30 years and the damage caused to the country's environment as a result of that terrorism.

Abbasov said that Armenia has placed approximately 1.5 million landmines on the territory of Azerbaijan and emphasized that even today, civilians, including women and children, are victims of landmine terrorism.

In the end, the executive director of the Baku Initiative Group, as a representative of Azerbaijan's civil society, called on Armenia to hand over the landmine maps to Azerbaijan.
