IEA predicts new record for global coal demand


Global coal demand will grow 1.4% in 2023 to reach a new high of 8.5 billion tons, according to the Coal 2023 forecast by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Report informs.

There is strong demand in China, India and the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which together will consume three quarters of global demand.

“In absolute terms, coal demand in 2023 is estimated to grow the most in China, by 220 million tons or 4.9%, followed by India (up 98 million tons, or 8%) and Indonesia (up 23 million tons, or 11%).

The biggest decrease is expected in the EU - by 107 million tons or 23% and in the US - by 95 million tons or 21%).

The report also predicts that between 2024 and 2026 there will be a downward trend in global coal demand.

The agency’s expected demand growth in India and ASEAN will be offset by declines in the EU and US, while China will remain the key driver of global coal demand.
