Media: Fraudsters from Armenia deceiving Indians into country leaving them in misery


A new type of fraud has spread in Armenia with Indian citizens invited to the country with the promise of earnings, with the opportunity to further travel to Europe. However, in reality, they find themselves deceived in a foreign country, without money and the opportunity to return home, Report informs referring to the Indian news portal Onmanorama.

It is noted that thousands of young people, mainly from the Indian state of Kerala, have become victims of scammers from Armenia.

The scheme of the scammers is almost always the same: they offer Keralis jobs in Armenia, but to fly into the country they must have a booked hotel room and a return ticket. Thus, citizens of India travel to Armenia to earn money. However, the agent who allegedly helped them for a considerable amount of money paid in advance disappears, and the hotel reservation is canceled, as is the return ticket. And victims of scammers are left stranded.

"You can spot umpteen Indians with expired visas at the Yerevan airport and nearby areas. More than half of them are Keralites. To avoid being stamped ‘deported’ in their passports, they are forced to pay a huge fee.

As their job prospects in other countries would be affected if passports carry a ‘deported’ seal, most of them pay a hefty fine. This has become a major revenue source for Armenia as the fake job racket mafia flourished."

This whole situation has become one of the main sources of income in Armenia, since the mafia of “fake jobs” is thriving in this country.
